Highest safety for patients: Mona receives the MDR certification!

In February 2023, Clinomic received the MDR-certificate for MonaOS 2. We are proud to be one of the first manufacturers to receive the MDR certificate and we thank our Quality Management and Regulatory Affairs team for their great work! Martin Grüterich’s team ensured that Clinomic meets all the requirements for MDR certification. A big thank […]

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NRW Ministerin für Kultur und Wissenschaft zu Besuch bei Clinomic

Ina Brandes, Ministerin für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, besuchte Clinomic Anfang des Monats in Aachen. Die Ministerin lernte unser Assistenz- und Telemedizinsystem Mona zum ersten Mal auf der Medizinmesse MEDICA 2022 kennen. Dort besuchte Sie den NRW Gemeinschaftsstand, auf dem auch Clinomic vertreten war, und war von Mona direkt begeistert. Am 3. Februar […]

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Clinomic Knowledge Base – Klinikwissen auf den Punkt gebracht!

Im vergangenen Jahr haben wir ein Produkt für den Austausch von klinischem Fachwissen herausgebracht: die Clinomic Knowledge Base. Dabei handelt es sich um eine große Wissensdatenbank, welche mehr als 150 Artikel mit klinischen Informationen zu den wichtigsten Themen der Intensivpflege bietet – aktuell und praxisrelevant. Dazu gehören Guidelines zu häufigen Krankheitsbildern der Intensivmedizin, etwa Sepsis, […]

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Annual report 2022: A view of our exciting year at Clinomic!

The year 2022 was a transformative and exciting time for the development of Clinomic! The establishment of Clinomic Group was a positive start to the year as 3 new subsidiaries were established. Our Clinomic Medical GmbH, Clinomic Telemedicine GmbH and Clinomic Solutions GmbH showcase our specialised approach to the contribution of intensive care medicine. It […]

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Mona Conference in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Clinomic recently participated in a conference held at the Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecțioase Cluj-Napoca. This conference was viewed by numerous representatives of Romanian hospitals in Bucarest, Târgu Mureș, Cluj-Napoca who were interested to learn how Mona is interacting with the Hospital Information Management system (HIS). The integration of the HIS is a significant milestone […]

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Welcome to our new Clinomic Headquarter!

It’s time for a change of scenery! As we transformed into the Clinomic Group, we have a new headquarter where our growing team can work together under one roof. We have moved to: Clinomic Headquarter, Jülicher Straße 306, 52070 Aachen, Germany From now on, we’ll be able to work even better as one team, demonstrate […]

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