DMEA Young Investigators Award of the Digital Health Industry goes to Clinomic CEO Dr. Arne Peine

The Young Investigators Award of the Digital Health Industry honours outstanding works in the fields of medical informatics and health management. This year’s award with prize money of 2,000 euros went to Clinomic’s Chief Executive Officer Dr. Arne Peine. It is endowed with a total of 6,500 euros. He convinced the jury with his topic “Application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in medicine: an economic and medical informatics approach”. The prize is awarded by the National Association of Health IT bvitg, the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, the Professional Association of Medical Informatics, and the National Association of Hospital IT Managers.

How can the introduction of the ePrescription and the electronic patient file be successful? What opportunities do digital patient solutions offer? What is the added value of digitalisation in nursing care? At the beginning of April, DMEA – Connecting Digital Health (formerly conhIT) in Berlin addressed all the issues surrounding digitisation in the healthcare sector. All those involved in this process – from hospital managers and IT managers to doctors and nursing staff to representatives from politics, self-administration, science and research – came together to exchange ideas and discuss not only urgent issues but also innovative solutions.

The so-called DMEA Young Talent Award will also be presented during the fair. It continues conhIT’s long-standing tradition, promotes young talent in the industry and offers graduates a stepping stone into the digital healthcare industry.

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